"Cutting Edges" © modern art exhibitions range in themes from shocking, profound, thought-provoking, and uncompromising ex- plorations of American culture and the human psyche to the highly imaginative, entertaining, humorous, engaging, popular, interactive, and purely-esthetic.

Each "Cutting Edges" installation, exhibition, or interactive performance piece, challenges the viewer's imagination, assaults conventional views of society, and expands the most avant- garde boundaries of visual arts expression through traditional, as well as electronic and computerized, forms of modern media.

The 9 “Cutting Edges” exhibitions, presently created, explore the power and dimensions of the creative mind, and examine the social, sexual, racial, and political attitudes of modern day American society and culture as well as issues and concerns that are common to all humankind.

Patrick Morelli www.MorelliART.com
Inquiries: Email "MorelliART@aol.com"


© www.MorelliART.com